| about the site |
I:llu:soire was created on July 7th, 2004 to showcase my graphics work. The website was designed and is maintained using Paint Shop Pro 9, Microsoft Notepad and FTP Explorer; this is the fourth version. I:llu:soire is hosted on prerecorded.net.
Images used in the artwork here are by no means my own, and I have tried to credit them below; no copyright infringement was intended.
If you're interested in seeing something as a wallpaper or a blend, feel free to email me.
links |
| artwork
- artgirl
- artificial sweetness
- creative impulse
- lindzee-style
- paper flowers
- regect reality
- under my thumb
| contests & challenges : awards
| sources
- 100% brad pitt
- ashleesimpson.net
- britney source pictures
- buffy vs. angel
- cookie dough fudge mint chip
- cyber pomo
- david boreanaz.com
- dusk 'til dawn
- delicate
- devoted fans network - the oc
- die offizielle maroon5 webseite
- elegance pixelfied
- ed westwick photos
- eliza-dushku.com
- emma watson fan community
- empire movies
- fanbolt.com entertainment galleries
- fever of fate
- fix me
- freeze frame
- halle berry: glamour girl
- google image search
- hilary-duff.net
- ign.com
- the internet movie database
- jen-garner.net
- jmeyecandy.com
- kristinkreuk.net
- last beautiful girl
- kryptonite
- letssingit.com
- lindsay-lohan.org
- lyrics time
- morguefile
- movie-source.com
- much ado about buffy the vampire slayer
- ocfans.org
- rachel-bilson.com
- screencappiness
- smallville ph
- sparknotes
- stunning sarah
- the dtd angel & btvs gallery
- the cheese stands alone
- the internet movie database
- the oc central
- the oc files
- the oc show
- the orlando bloom files
- tribute.ca
- outnow.ch
| tools & tutorials
- 1greeneye brushes
- a1fonts.com
- adams web bitz
- anders qvicker
- beautiful sin
- classic.tere-art.com
- dafont
- exotika brushes
- font files.com
- fountain
- g-g[dot]com tutes
- gorjuss
- inxplicable design
- jenn's sanity
- kloud-nine
- miincdesign
- m0bster
- oblation brushes
- paint illusion
- paper flowers
- pessimistchick
- secretloft
- simply brush
- shimmered.net
- textureking
- teh_indy
- the brush search engine
past layouts |
| ver 01

| ver 02

| ver 03

link this site |
| text
- I:llu:soire : http://illusoire.prerecorded.net
| 88 : 31

| 100 : 35